A reminder to report any potential threatening behavior. To place a report, use one of the following ways:
• Contact your school prinicipal or the superintendent of schools (1-802-525-1204)
• Use our dedicated hotline:
• Email the team at: crisis@ocsu.org
• Use our dedicated crisis form
To learn more about behavioral threat assessment in OCSU, please visit this website

ANNUAL MEETING--Lake Region Union Elementary-Middle School District: March 10, 2025; 7:00 pm; at Lake Region: Annual Report can be found here https://5il.co/375id

Tonight's board meetings for LRUHSD and LRUEMSD will be held virtually due to the weather.
Carousel (both boards together) 6:00 pm: meet.google.com/ixy-kccp-qyq. LRUHS 7:00pm: meet.google.com/tyb-xhsw-thq; LRUEMSD 7:00 pm: meet.google.com/equ-ffwv-dqd.

Evening Events Canceled - February 13, 2025
Due to the ongoing storm, all LR events are canceled for this evening. The chance of glazing in that late afternoon timeframe makes it too risky for athletes and the theatre performers to travel to their respective sites during that time. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Reminder to OCSU Parents, Community Members, Faculty and Staff The OCSU Superintendent Search Committee has invited three candidates to visit our school community and participate in a second round of interviews with the Committee and School Board on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Committee invites parents, members of the community, faculty and staff to meet each candidate in 30 minute sessions between 4:30 and 6:00 pm in the Lake Region Cafeteria. Your participation and input is important to this process. Sincerely, David Blodgett & Neil Urie OCSU Superintendent Search Committee Co-Chairs

Dear OCSU Parents, Community Members, Faculty and Staff
The OCSU Superintendent Search Committee has invited three candidates to visit our school community and participate in a second round of interviews with the Committee and School Board on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Committee invites parents, members of the community, faculty and staff to meet each candidate in 30 minute sessions between 4:30 and 6:00 pm in the Lake Region Cafeteria. Your participation and input is important to this process.
David Blodgett & Neil Urie
OCSU Superintendent Search Committee Co-Chairs

ATTENTION SENIORS!! The LR Local Scholarship packets are due no later than Feb. 14th!! Bring your completed packet to the School Counseling office by Feb. 14th !!

Newport, VT - On Sunday, January 5th, at 2 PM at the United Church of Newport, the Lake Region UHS music department presents our first annual Midwinter Solo & Ensemble Concert. Singers and instrumentalists will be presenting classical solo and chamber music, and festive songs of the season. Repertoire includes music by Hindemith, Weber, Rieding, Tchaikovsky, Kern, Betinis, traditional and modern carols, and more. The Jazz Ensemble, Chorus and Select Chorus will be performing.
Admission is free, but donations or non-perishable food items will be gratefully accepted to benefit the NEKO Barton/Orleans Food Bank and the United Church Food Shelf. For further information, please contact Sara Doncaster at sdoncaster@ocsu.org or call (802) 754-2500 x219

November 4, 2024: Lake Region Union High School District Business & Operations Committee meeting to discuss FY26 Budget, see agenda here: https://5il.co/302ms at 5:00 pm and LR board meeting 6:00 pm: check out the agenda here: https://5il.co/302lc


LRUHS Business & Operations Committee meetings to discuss budgets for 2025-2026: 10/23 6:00pm; 11/4 5:00pm; 11/13 6:00pm; 12/2 5:00pm. All meetings take place at Lake Region.

The Vermont Agency of Education announced in a recent press release the next phase of the 2024 Listen and Learn Tour and invites the public to participate in community conversations to inform how the Agency delivers services and supports to Vermont’s education system.
These public engagement sessions will help the Agency develop its strategic plan and ensure that its work is supporting the educational priorities of communities across Vermont. Following a series of data reports and regional planning sessions with more than 250 education leaders, the Agency is eager to expand these conversations to include educators, parents, students, and community members across the state. The Agency encourages broad participation and welcomes input from all Vermonters, including students, families, and community partners - students are integral to these conversations and are encouraged to attend.

Butler's Bus Service—OCSU Drivers Needed/New Sign on Bonus

OCSU Employment Opportunities: OCSU is currently looking for a staff accountant, Spanish teacher, Health Office Staff and others. Check out the full listing here: https://orleanscentralvt.sites.thrillshare.com/page/employment-opportunities

The Lake Region Union Elementary-Middle School Board is hosting a Public Tour of the Glover Community School on Thursday, September 12th from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Fingerprinting OPEN HOUSE, today, Tuesday, August 6!

OCSU Fingerprinting Open House—August 6, 2024—2:00-6:00 pm

Fingerprint Open House Canceled!
The Orleans County Sheriff's Department has notified us that the Fingerprint Open House scheduled for tonight (7/30/2024) has been canceled due to flood-related road closures.
We will spread the word when the OCSD schedules the next fingerprint open house.
Be well and be safe.

Newest Employment Opportunities: Administrative Assistant (Curriculum & Instruction) https://www.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4721804; Art Teacher https://www.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4729714

Free Lunches